UAV4GEO was founded in 2014. Our headquarters is in St Petersburg, Florida. We are computer vision, UX design and GIS specialists, with a passion for flying robots - we literally started the company because of our founder's interest for UAVs.
Prior to 2019 the company was called MasseranoLabs. We've adopted a new name to better reflect our focus.
We contribute to OpenDroneMap, the leading open source ecosystem for processing aerial data. We're the creators behind WebODM, NodeODM, ClusterODM CloudODM and PyODM. We are major contributors to the ODM engine and are active contributors with the libraries the project depends on, such as OpenSfM, PDAL, mvs-texturing, MVE and dem2mesh. We also wrote OpenDroneMap: The Missing Guide, a comprehensive book on using OpenDroneMap.
We fight to reduce the digital divide that still exists in the world. We think software should be affordable, freely (as in freedom) available and fully controllable by its users.
People place trust on us when they use our software and sometimes need guidance getting it to work. We think everyone deserves to be treated with respect and kindness, no matter the circumstances. We listen and repay that trust.
We also believe in sound business. We don't spend more than we make and don't waste cash on unnecessary purchases. We don't burn cash and then figure out how to be profitable. We're here to stay for the long term to serve our users, not some investors.